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ISO 27001 Certification Renewal: Quality Assurance in Security

Staying ahead of the cyber security game can be a challenge. As technology advances, so do malicious cyber criminals. ISO 27001 – Information Security Management is an internationally recognised standard for information security management systems (ISMS). It provides a framework to ensure organisations meet their legal, regulatory, and ethical obligations regarding information security. Having held this critical standard for the last 15 years, we're proud to announce that our organisation recently renewed its ISO 27001 accreditation for another three years!

ISO 27001's ISMS Framework

ISO 27001’s comprehensive ISMS framework helps organisations identify, manage and reduce risks associated with cyber threats and other data-related issues. The framework is composed of five main steps: establish an ISMS policy; identify risks; assess risks; create action plans to address identified risk factors; and review the system periodically. This ensures that organisations are up-to-date on their data security measures through regular assessments, internal audits and reviews.

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Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

By achieving ISO 27001 certification, our organisation has demonstrated its commitment to implementing industry best practices when it comes to cyber security. Our customers and partners can trust that their data is safe with us because we have taken the necessary steps to ensure our ISMS meets the highest standards of quality assurance in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Additionally, by meeting international guidelines for cyber security, we remain compliant with applicable regulations regarding privacy and data protection.

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Renewing our ISO 27001 certification is one more way we are ensuring that our customers' and partners’ valuable data remains secure with us at all times. By staying ahead of the game when it comes to cyber security best practices, we can continue providing quality services without worrying about potential risks or compliance issues down the line. We look forward to continuing this pursuit over the next three years with ISO 27001:2022.