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Pinpointing and overcoming all your IT vulnerabilities 

A&O IT Group can deliver IT audits covering everything from physical hardware and your IT asset management policy all the way through to wireless audits.

Our thorough approach and tried-and-tested methods ensure your organisation can keep tabs on all your hardware and potential network vulnerabilities. Expert IT auditors take away the time-consuming, but essential, task of logging, tracking and tracing your assets so you can focus on your core business.

Get an IT audit

Why your business needs A&O IT Group audits

Ensure all your assets are used to their full capability

Benefit from savings across your organisation’s assets by reducing hardware management and repair costs

Pass over the asset management of laptops, desktops and printers to experts

Maintain an accurate up-to-date IT inventory management list on our dynamic software tool, FieldView

Achieve GDPR compliance by knowing where your assets are and how they’re being used

With renewed peace of mind, you can return to focusing on the things you do best

96% of organisations operating BYOD policy found network vulnerabilities in 2020

5x more likely to suffer a cyber breach with end-point VPNs

1M cyber attacks on wireless networks in 2020

15% of organisations are not fully utilising their hardware, adding unnecessary costs

A&O IT Group audit services

Hard Audits

Our teams of experts can run a hard audit on all your equipment using our unique software, FieldView. We physically go to each location and manually scan your infrastructure to compile a comprehensive inventory of all your equipment.

We will also guide you and make recommendations on managing business-owned IT assets effectively and maintaining an up-to-date inventory.

  • Up-to-date inventory
  • Proactive management
  • Asset waste reduction
  • Proactive cost reduction
  • GDPR compliance

Wireless Site Surveys

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) has opened up business IT networks so employees can be fully mobile. However, this has also made managing network access permissions for privately-owned devices more challenging.

An A&O IT Group wireless audit provides a comprehensive review of who and what are connected to your business networks. We can help you control access, upgrade policies and manage potential network vulnerabilities.

  • Flexibility for employees
  • Flexibility for network provisioning
  • Formalised network access permission
  • Enhanced network protection
  • Improved network policy management

Cyber Security

Our IT auditors ensure your business has the correct security protocols in place. From ISO Assessments to GDPR compliance and Cyber Essentials certifications, we will help you make light work of meeting your compliance security needs.

  • Up-to-date network assessments
  • Best practice recommendations for network architecture
  • Proactive evaluation of firewall policies
  • Ensure GDPR compliance

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PrintView is the A&O IT Group’s unique print service management platform which delivers a real-time overview of printers across your network. Remote access controls allow us to proactively monitor your entire inventory to identify and resolve issues, understand usage patterns, manage software updates and deliver an efficient print management solution.

  • Proactive management of your printers
  • Reduce printing costs
  • Understand your printer usage
  • Increase your ROI


What is an IT audit?

Simply put, an IT audit is an examination of what your company's IT processes currently are, spanning applications, software, infrastructure, data, etc. This allows you to find your strengths, but also reveals weaknesses that may be blocking your progress.

Does my business need an IT audit?

Any size and type of business can benefit from having an IT audit, as the majority of us now rely on computing systems day-to-day. Reviewing your IT systems can not only help keep performance at a high, it also ensures you are remaining compliant to laws and standards. Not only this, but with cyber-security a pressing threat, it is vital to locate any weaknesses in your systems to avoid a security breach.

What should I include in my IT audit checklist?

Unfortunately, there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to IT auditing, and every company will differ in how they should approach putting an audit checklist together. Main areas to look at are data security, compliance (such as GDPR), back-up systems and hardware.

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